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Busy weekend

This Saturday will see me take the Crann Tara stand to my local show at Stockton
Since Leon of Pendraken miniatures has taken over the show has gone from strength to strength plenty of traders and games, free admission and this year there's a number of short talks on the ECW engagements that took place in the area, so if you want to know how 'Stumps cross' at Guisborough got its name now's your chance.
I also use the show as an opportunity to do my annual clearance

There are a lot of books, magazines and 28mm plastic and metal Ancients and Dark Age figures to go at silly prices. The huge rationalisation project continues as I really want to get back to using what I have and game more instead of just painting and boxing. So we shall see what the day brings.

Can I also take the opportunity to recommend you visit my friend Stuart Inch's blog. http://stuartinschwargames.blogspot.com/

Stuart has just published a small book on Wargaming the Sugar Islands Campaign and follows the British invasions of Martinique and Guadeloupe with a guide for gaming and campaigning the engagements- at £8 excluding postage it's an excellent buy


I did some figure conversions for Stuart but have decided to get some figures made so Richard Ansell has started on the Naval Landing Party and will follow up with some Maroons and militia. 

If anyone decides to attend the show then pop by and say hello.

Finally can I commend another blog worth of following 1642 and all that


Run by 'The Jolly Broom Man' - Mark an Englishman in France writes an entertaining and informative blog with some great ideas on running campaigns and games in the ECW.

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